Yoga Sutra 18

Sutra 18 Nature, its three qualities, sattva, raja,s and tamas, and its evolutes, the elements, mind, senses of perception and organs of action, exist eternally to serve the seer, for enjoyment or emancipation. The Bible and Sutra begin to shift focus here. The sutras begin to explain more about human nature and overcoming the flesh.…

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Yoga Sutra 17

Sutra 17   The cause of pain is the association or identification of the seer (atma) with the seen (prakrti) and the remedy lies in their dissociation. This sutra according to Iyengar is stating that “inner harmony is disturbed when the mind lets itself be lured into indiscriminately sampling the world in phenomena.” In other…

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Yoga Sutra 16

Sutra 16 The pains which are yet to come can be and are to be avoided. I believe I touched a lot on this sutra in Sutra 15. By choosing to stay focused on what is important, us living moral and virtuous lives. Living and meditating on God and his commandments as the Bible instructs.…

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Yoga Sutra 15

Sutra 15 The wise man knows that owning to fluctuations, the qualities of nature, and subliminal impressions, even pleasant experiences are tinged with sorrow, and he keeps aloof of them. The 3 characters of intelligence that are talked about in this sutra are Luminosity (sattva) vibrancy (rajas) and Inertia (tamas) this sutra states “that pure…

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Yoga Sutra 14

Sutra 14 According to our good, bad or mixed actions, the quality of our life, its span, and the nature of birth experienced as being pleasant or painful. Again, Patanjali is focusing on Karma yoga and actions that cause pain or pleasure in one’s lifetime. Since he pressed this point three times, I have had…

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Yoga Sutra 13

Sutra 13 As long as the root of actions exists, it will give rise to class of birth, the span of life and experiences. This sutra too relates to Karma. Again, most Christians do not believe in past lives, so our actions today will not affect our class of birth. Only God knows that. I…

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Yoga Sutra 12

Sutra 12 The accumulated imprints of past lives, rooted in afflictions, will be experienced in present and future lives As Christians, we do not believe in past lives or future lives. So this sutra does not align with Christian beliefs. However, when reading into what Iyengar states in his description of what Patanjali is stating,…

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Yoga Sutra 11 (book 2)

Sutra’s 11   The fluctuation of consciousness created by gross and subtle afflictions are to be silenced by meditation. (Patanjali Sutras by Iyengar) There are many passages to quote from the Bible that tell us to focus only on God, His great works, His grace, His Spirit, and worry about nothing else. In Christian contemplative…

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Ygoa Sutra 9-10 (book 2)

Sutra’s 9 and 10 It has been quite a while since I posted a blog, on the yoga Sutras. I would make up a lot of excuses, why I have not done as my heart (the Holy Spirit) has told me but the truth is I am scared. Scared of looking like I know what…

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Yoga Sutra 8 (Book 2)

Sutra 2:8 duhkha anusayi dvesah Unhappiness leads to hatred. Our first commandment is to Love. I did not find anything specific about unhappiness. However, much like pain and sorrow, God uses hatred to teach or warn us at different times in our lives. God hates sin, divorce and wickedness, robbery and iniquity. (Isa. 61:8 and…

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