Leveraging time with Gay Hendricks

If you are new to the world of personal growth you might not know Gay Hendricks, but if you have been around for a while you probably know him well. His is a leader in the field of personal empowerment, relationships and growth.

A few years ago, my ex-husband Jake wrote him a letter after he and I got into a heated debate about time—where it comes from and our relationship to it. Jake’s letter was so engaging to Gay that he invited Jake to have a Skype call with him and record it for posterity. In this casual and fabulous conversation with Gay, you will hear exactly how powerful time is, and how, although it is a constant in nature, we can live beyond that constant where the miracles happen.

Gay spoke about time and space – they agreed that there is a finite amount of time and they agreed that what we do with it makes all the difference.

For me, this very casual conversation ranging from Gay’s books to golf and back again to time… But more importantly the fact that how we focus our time, how we relate to space and how much power we give to the clock changes everything.

That conversation actually was one of three (such a magic number) of time-related conversations that literally changed my life that week.

Listen to Gay talk about time space, his book and golf along in this casual conversation.



Have you ever wished you had more time? Space! 

I know I have.  But really it wasn’t time I wanted to create, but space.  Space in my day and space I can create and so can you.

Here is a sneak peak at next week’s blog—the three levels of time:

1) Time itself is 86400 seconds in any given day.

2) In our personal relationship with time, we are either restricted or supported by it.

These two points are both highlighted in Gay and Jake’s talk and relate to chapter 6 in his fabulous book, The Big Leap.  But like I said, miracles happen when your perception of time shifts into the most powerful stage of relativity.

3) Learn all about where miracles happen and stress melts away join the YOU Matter Club