Are you done waiting for everything to fall into place before you can justify living the life you really want to?

The secrets to living a fulfilled life, full of happiness, purpose and breathtaking experiences.

  • Embrace Your Feminine Power!
  • Live Your Life Authentically!
  • Attract Loving and Powerful Relationships Into Your Life!

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Barry Selby

Barry Selby is known as the Love Doctor to his clients and friends. He has had his fair share of dysfunctional relationships and failed romance. He has endured a broken heart, more than once, and yes, he has also broken a few too. He knew something needed to change, and he became a dedicated student of life, of love, and of people. Along the way, he earned a Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology, and also became a professional spiritual counselor. This birthed his true calling and mission. He is a #1 best-selling author, professional speaker, and expert relationship coach and guide. His passion is inspiring people to live authentic lives. In particular, he is dedicated to serving women. He empowers successful single women to embrace and own their feminine power, to heal their hearts and learn to love again, and to attract their true equal in inspired, loving relationships.

Be ALL of YOU - 9 weeks to mastering your 6 power zones and rocking your genius!

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