The secrets to living a fulfilled life, full of happiness, purpose and breathtaking experiences.

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Lydia Kimmerling

Lydia attended the same school as Adele, Jessie J and Amy Winehouse, The B.R.I.T. School, yet left school at 16 to carve a successful five year career in television production at 17, to running her own restaurant in Panama at 22 and presenting for London TV at 26, before becoming an ACC certified life coach with the International Coaching Federation at 29. She’s the leading expert in life fitness and in 2015 she has featured in Marie Claire, The Express and Women’s Fitness. An experienced speaker and pre- sentation skills specialist working for corporations including Lloyds, Thames Water, AON and Nokia, Lydia is also the co-creator of coaching apps Niggle and Guru and founder of Life Cleanse.