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Vidya Patil

Vidya is a certified NLP master practitioner and Nlp4kids practitioner. She is passionate about working with families who are struggling to understand their children and find home environment very stressful. She is studying child psychology since 4 years and being in their shoes as a child and suffering from emotional abuse. Now she has mission in her life to support families to understand their children’s emotional need. She believes we need to teach children 4 basic attitudes which are Courage, Humility, Leadership and Integrity. Vidya is also known as one of the experts in the personal growth field. She is known as a personal growth visionary, dynamic person. She is passionate about teaching how one holds the key to Unlocking their own life’s Happiness, Success and Fulfillment. Vidya has been studying what makes people do what they do for over 5 years and she been known as very understanding and caring person in her social circle. And she knows how to use that key as she has transformed her life from being unworthy to having happiness, success and fulfillment in her own life.