3 Magical Secrets for Getting Unstuck & Out of Your Own Way

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3 Magical Secrets for Getting Unstuck & Out of Your Own Way

By Eyenie the Technicolor Priestess, ia  Career & Style Alchemist 

When the gorgeous Antiqua Libbey of Your Own University asked me to participate in her blog tour, I was giddy! Her message is a beautiful one all about finding your purpose so you can shine your own light into the world, which is something I feel very strongly about. But, it took me awhile to get to where I am now…visible, confident, happy, excited and showing up as my Technicolor Priestess.

For many years, I was in a people-pleasing trance. I was one of those “gifted & talented” kids, so from a very early age expectations of me were very high. I was often rewarded for my grades, goody-two-shoes behavior and discipline. Adults seemed to feed me what I call “emotional donuts” all the time…but the more I received, the more I needed them. So, the more I continued doing what was expected of me and not coloring outside the lines. This lead to a series of very trance-like choices– college in something boring that didn’t excite me. A Master’s degree (why not?!) in something that didn’t thrill me. Several corporate jobs that were easy but oh-so-boring and where my talents were wasted.Is your inner jerk-face running your

This all made me feel miserable. The self-loathing I felt was ri-freaking-diculous, and I was numb. I couldn’t believe other people actually felt happy and excited about life. Happiness was like a mythical and elusive creature to me, and confidence was one slippery lil’ bastard. The worst part of it all was my feeling of stuckness and unworthiness…I couldn’t seem to shake it. This totally blocked me from letting myself figure out what I was truly passionate about. And when it came to my purpose, I was stumped.

Eventually, after loads of introspection, working with healers and therapists and reading oodles of books, something hit me like that proverbial ton of bricks you hear so much about: How I was feeling was a CHOICE! OMFG, I felt miserable and hopeless, and it was all due to the choices I was making! I kinda wanted to punch myself in the kisser about it, honestly!

Though it took me years to get out of the stuckness, and finally move out of my own way, I hunted and gathered some kick-ass tools that I am able to share with my magnificent clients today.

Here are three of my mega faves:

1.) Under think. No, seriously…..STOP THINKING! When you’re trapped all up in your head all the live-long day, everything gets blurred together and suddenly feels overwhelming. Plans and ideas and projects tend to bleed into each other and end up becoming totally abstract. This keeps you spinning your wheels like a pick-up truck in the mud! Lots moving and shaking, but no forward motion.

Instead try: meditating, coloring, creating something, dancing… anything to get out of your head and into your body and life.

2.) Watch your words. When that inner jerk face that lives in your head won’t shut her pie hole, and gets all judgey and critical and negative, shift your awareness away from her. Notice the yuck thoughts you’re having about yourself and others and shut them down.

Instead try: having yum thoughts, finding something nice to say about yourself and others because what we focus on expands, and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have more yum than yuck, am I right?

3.) Give yourself an effing break. It’s really easy to beat yourself up and have mega high expectations for yourself, but it’s so exhausting. And let’s face it, when you lean toward perfectionism, it takes you waaay longer to complete tasks and makes it incredibly challenging to go for it and put yourself out there in all aspects of your life.

Instead try: Take risks, have fun, try new things, show yourself compassion, delight in some fluff-n-frivolity.

You’re an amazing, beautiful, whip-smart, creative, talented woman with kick-ass taste, and the world needs more of you!!! Try these three tips and allow yourself to expand into your Technicolor Priestess!!


_MG_2800Eyenie {eh-zjeh-knee}, the Technicolor Priestess, ia  Career & Style Alchemist who helps the career-driven, Overachieving Misfit dame who struggles with hiding out and letting life pass her by to discover her craft + calling, have more FUN, and express herself through her kick-ass style. To learn more about her or schedule your {gratis} consultation, visit her at TechnicolorPriestess.com



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