How to say YES to your purpose and stop running in circles.

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How to say YES to your purpose and stop running in circles.

By CEO and founder of Y.O.U – Antiqua Lisha 

It amazes me how smart the ego is and how cunning we are as human beings at hiding, especially from ourselves.

Over the past 20 years I have been on a mad search to find, heal and bring awareness to my fears, my blocks and my pains.  In the hopes of someday to be fixed and all the changing and shifting and searching would be over. At that point I thought I would be at peace, whole and healthy.  I remember about 6 years ago when I began to realize that I like my body and that my previous unannounced flash backs which used to rock my life were gone. Two years later, 4 years ago I realized I was healthy and instead of sitting back and being blissful something else happened.

There was a catch, I was no longer on the brink of death, sad, lonely and confused; wishing I could just be done already. Yet, life was still happening there was still places to grow and things to discover about myself and all my old habits and hangups had to be replaced.

I then had to re-learn how to live as healthy and confident and that took me a few years. At first along my path of healthy self discovery, I would stay distracted. I blindly made up personal things to overcome to stay in my comfort zone of healing and making myself and my life wrong.  I spent years preoccupied with my weight, the issues in my marriage, drama with friends, the zit on my face etc… seriously this was a big distraction.  I like many was/am an expert at creating drama. But I know it is all created by me and it was all keeping me from my purpose.  Or was it?

This year,  I went through a divorce and I admit I lost myself to these fix it tendencies a few times, however, to my great joy all my years of catching myself criticizes, fix and create drama where drama didn’t need to be, saved me from self destruction in 2014.   NOW that is success.

Watching myself use all the tools successfully that I share with clients: to overcome pain, heal and bring their dreams to life worked in very tangible and miraculous ways over and over again.  It was rewarding to say the least. What I learned is that I can be whole, healthy, fulfilled, and focused on making the world a better place while being human!  And this freedom I pass on to my clients everyday – we don’t need to be perfect or have all of our past cleared up to be successful, happy and healthy.  You are here to be you.

Over the years I have learned that taking responsibility for myself is the bases of all healthy and rewarding outcomes. A few years back my “healing” took a whole new direction.  I no longer was digging through my past, trying to control my future for me to fix myself. But rather I was digging, shifting and peeling away at my past and planning my future so I can honor and see my clients and friends in their human genius, as we all continue to learn how to be our best selves.

I personally have lived through so much “crap” and with each challenge or success I learn how to be me more fully and effortlessly. I desire this freedom and self -awareness for you, our clients, our friends and our partners her at Your Own University. I am so lucky to have the great honor of living my purpose and teaming up with amazing people who are choosing to live their best lives, fully expressed, completely raw and beautifully.

When the drama and trauma of fixing yourself ends and acceptance prevails then miracles happen, health, joy and peace come to pass and our real self-discovery begins and it continues until our last breath.  For this is life, the very life of life – it is all within you.  Welcome to Your Own University where you get to step into your truth, express your beauty, overcome the drama and share your genius!

How can you allow yourself to accept your whole picture and step into your uniquely awesome self?  Comment below


To learn more about me or join the Rising Star Program and step into your genius with us here at Y.O.U. Click here.  and schedule a FREE discovery call with me today.

Want to join us for the My Life On Purpose speaker serious Jan 11-22, 2015  JOIN HERE.

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