3 steps to being fulfilled!
Have you been searching for that answer to feeling GREAT about yourself? I bet you have read every self-help book, gone to the classes, and prayed endless prayers for answers. You probably have even worked tooth and bone and yet nothing has satisfied your hunger for success. Were you raised hearing “Shame on you?” Or…
Stop shoulding, YOU KNOW what to do.
As a master coach (who trains coaches) I KNOW my clients have all the answers when they hire me. They just can’t yet see them. In this episode, I share the three areas that most of my private clients hire me to help them change and one of the most powerful questions I ask them…
Live your best life, by getting rid of these…
Why don’t you do what you know you want too? Why haven’t you started that workout, hired that coach, written that book, gone for that dream job, or asked out that cute guy at work? On this episode we are going to talk about all those reasons stopping you from living your best life. Are…
It’s so important to speak your truth.
Did you know that if you don’t speak your truth you could cause yourself and people close to you a world of trouble? Speaking your truth sounds easy but it is one of the most challenging things that you can do. Your truth isn’t always the TRUTH, your truth is based on how you feel,…
Stop proving yourself for anyone including yourself.
This is one of the #1 beliefs that keeps my clients stuck and spinning. PROVING – it creates defensiveness, separation, self-doubt, and stress. In today’s episode, we will cover how to recognize if proving is blocking you from success and connect and how to stop it. Get 365 LOVE and invites to all our masterclasses…
4 areas of your life you must know… or suffer from not knowing.
There are many experts in all of these area’s of your life. Kind people who have figured out their own code to their health, happiness and success that wish to share what they have found with you. But there is ONE BIG PROBLEM, they are not you. When you listen to them, you could get…
Is it really BETTER to GIVE then RECEIVE?
Growing up I was taught it is better to give than to receive. Taught to work hard, earn my keep. For me maybe my upbringing was extreme to some, however, in many circles it is normal. I was expected to GIVE all of me, my time, my love, my trust, my money and continue to…
Breaking through Judgment (Self-Mastery class)
The #1 mindset block that holds people back from almost everything is judgment. The fear of being judged stops many from stepping into their dreams. If I had a dollar for every client I spoke with that was scared of starting their own business, or traveling around the world, or dating someone because of fear…
The unlimited LIFE – begins here.
Hi, thanks for joining me here at Your Own University – my name is Antiqua Lisha and I am the CEO here but beyond connecting you with amazing masterclasses and coaches from around the world here at Your Own University. I work with amazing people from around the world transforming trauma so they can have…
Breaking Up with Negativity
There is nothing more draining than negative thinking especially when your thoughts are picking you apart. So many things can throw you into negative thinking, it’s like a drug labeled “being realistic” and it sucks. Maybe you are like me a few years ago, getting out of a bad marriage lost in the judgments and…