Yoga Sutra 44

Sutra 44 Self-study leads towards the realization of God or communion with one’s desired deity. This sutra is talking about self-study in two ways: knowing our bodies and how each of us as individuals can be healthy, clean, and light, and also self-study of actions and thoughts, in relation to others and God. Asana helps…

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Yoga Sutra 43

Sutra 43 Self-discipline burns away impurities and kindles the sparks of divinity. Our human nature is to sin. It takes great discipline not to sin. There is only one man that has lived his whole life without ever sinning, that man is Jesus. Everyone else has sinned to one degree or another. Yoga is a…

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Yoga Sutra 42

Sutra 42 From contentment and benevolence of consciousness comes supreme happiness. To be content with what God has given us and to share it in kindness is a running theme in the Bible. The more we practice right action, the more confident we are in our ability to do so in difficult situations and the…

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Yoga Sutra 41

Sutra 41 When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the senses controlled, joyful awareness need to realize the inner self, also comes. The Bible agrees that we should keep our bodies, mind, and senses pure and under control. However, Patanjali explains the inner self as god-like. As Christians we are not seeking self,…

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Yoga Sutra 40

Sutra 40 Cleanliness of body, mind developed disinterest in contact with others of self-gratification. Cleanliness (purity) of spirit and faith in Jesus Christ are much more important than taking a shower when it comes to being a servant of God. Iyengar says “Purity and cleanliness protect the body and make it a fit home for…

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Yoga Sutra 39

Sutra 39 Knowledge of past and future lives unfolds when one is free from greed and possessions. Thou shall not covet. The tenth commandment. As Christians, many believe that there is only one life here on earth. We have one life to live and serve God and then we are in waiting until he comes…

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Yoga Sutra 38

Sutra 38 When the sadhaka is firmly established incontinence, knowledge, vigor, valor and energy flow to him. Sexual morality varies from culture to culture and age to age. Even in the Bible, there are accounts of men having multiple wives, and widowed wives then being married to the husband’s brother. Then after Jesus came things…

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Yoga Sutra 37

Sutra 37   When absence from stealing is firmly established precious jewels come. The Bible says it very clearly in the Ten Commandments Thou shall not steal. Matthew 19 18-30 Then he said to Him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER; YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY; YOU SHALL NOT STEAL; YOU…

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Yoga Sutra 36

Sutra 36 When the sadhake (the yogi) is firmly established in the practice of truth, his words become so potent that what he says comes to realization. Iyengar gives this example “for instance if we say ‘I’ll never eat chocolate again, as long as one cell of our body holds back and disagrees with the…

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Yoga Sutra 34

Sutra 34 Uncertain knowledge, giving rise to violence, whether done directly or indirectly or condoned, is caused by greed, anger or delusion in mind, moderate or intense degree. It results in endless pain and ignorance. Through introspection comes the end of pain and ignorance. In the Old Testament, there are examples from Isaiah and Job…

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