3 steps to being fulfilled!
Have you been searching for that answer to feeling GREAT about yourself? I bet you have read every self-help book, gone to the classes, and prayed endless prayers for answers. You probably have even worked tooth and bone and yet nothing has satisfied your hunger for success. Were you raised hearing “Shame on you?” Or…
Transform the world with me!
Transform the world with me is a class full of insights about the coaching industry, lightworkers, soul missions, and Your Own Universities Holistic Coaching Certification Series. #youmatter #coach #selfmastery #manifest #coachingcertification #holisticcoachcertification #mastercoaches #personaldevelopment Do people share their stories with you and come to you for advice? Do you have a deeper understanding of universal laws and an interest…
Live your best life, by getting rid of these…
Why don’t you do what you know you want too? Why haven’t you started that workout, hired that coach, written that book, gone for that dream job, or asked out that cute guy at work? On this episode we are going to talk about all those reasons stopping you from living your best life. Are…
It’s so important to speak your truth.
Did you know that if you don’t speak your truth you could cause yourself and people close to you a world of trouble? Speaking your truth sounds easy but it is one of the most challenging things that you can do. Your truth isn’t always the TRUTH, your truth is based on how you feel,…
Ways to overcome feeling like a failure.
Your Own University TV is all about YOU! There is no blueprint to being you, or is there? Study how to master your life, your health, your mindset, your vibe and everything else. This segment covers the nasty emotion and state of being, total failure. Sharing with you three ways you can look at failure…
Stop proving yourself for anyone including yourself.
This is one of the #1 beliefs that keeps my clients stuck and spinning. PROVING – it creates defensiveness, separation, self-doubt, and stress. In today’s episode, we will cover how to recognize if proving is blocking you from success and connect and how to stop it. Get 365 LOVE and invites to all our masterclasses…
Is it really BETTER to GIVE then RECEIVE?
Growing up I was taught it is better to give than to receive. Taught to work hard, earn my keep. For me maybe my upbringing was extreme to some, however, in many circles it is normal. I was expected to GIVE all of me, my time, my love, my trust, my money and continue to…
The Event – How to embody your genius.
When preparing for any big event there is preparation. 1) Hours to learn new habits, discover exactly how your unique personality is going to handle the event. 2) There is a period of confidence building. 3) One of self-questioning and doubt. 4) Then again the test when your commitment to your own greatness is measured. …
HABITS the myths that keep you stuck…
The BIG myth that keeps you struggling is the popular IDEA, that a habit only takes 21 days to create. This idea really is the core of sabotaging lots of really great people (including yourself) creating lifestyles that support them living the life of their dreams. Here at Your Own University, our motto is when…
Create Your Genius Driven Program
By Antiqua Lisha CEO of Your Own University and Divinely YOU For all heart-centered, life-affirming entrepreneur minded friends out there thinking about putting out your first program. I put my first program out in 2006. I was along. It was scary. For all the reasons you may think as well as many, you may not. First and…