Discover your Chakra System.
Have you heard of the chakra’s? You probably have heard the word thrown around, especially if you practice yoga. However, what you might not know is there is nothing woo woo about them, they are actually quite scientific and can be explained using your own anatomy. In this episode I share a bit about the…
Live your best life, by getting rid of these…
Why don’t you do what you know you want too? Why haven’t you started that workout, hired that coach, written that book, gone for that dream job, or asked out that cute guy at work? On this episode we are going to talk about all those reasons stopping you from living your best life. Are…
It’s so important to speak your truth.
Did you know that if you don’t speak your truth you could cause yourself and people close to you a world of trouble? Speaking your truth sounds easy but it is one of the most challenging things that you can do. Your truth isn’t always the TRUTH, your truth is based on how you feel,…
4 areas of your life you must know… or suffer from not knowing.
There are many experts in all of these area’s of your life. Kind people who have figured out their own code to their health, happiness and success that wish to share what they have found with you. But there is ONE BIG PROBLEM, they are not you. When you listen to them, you could get…
Wake up with Energy!
Waking up with energy to spare and feeling sleek and confident in my workout clothes or formal wear make me a happy girl. But I have a confession to make. Keeping fit and staying energetic do not come naturally to me. I have to work at both. If I let my diet slide into the…
72 hours and I dropped the weight…
Drop the Weight This week within the YOU Matter school of mastery’s online community I choose to walk everyone through the total weight loss cleanse. If you are not yet a member and didn’t see the process you can join (for just a buck – and get access to it online) Maybe you have…
Drowning in “not enough”
By Antiqua Lisha F@ck it! That is what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t. There was too much to do, but all the pulling and pushing from everyone and everything was starting to wear on me. I mean seriously, I had gained weight (while working out and eating clean), I felt older and was…
Love the Skin You’re In With Intuitive Eating.
I went on every diet. The 4 season diet, clean eating, fit for life, your blood type, vegetarian, all carbs, all protein and no carbs, Atkins… You name it, I did it. WHY? Because I was not happy with my body. You see I am 5’3″ and I was 130 lbs of almost all muscle.…
Are you ready to have it all together?
Are you ready to WIN big and finally have your life all together!! How do you want to feel? When it happens? How will you recognize your big win when it shows up? I used to think this was an easy enough question. Would you answer this quesiton with something like – I want to…
Taking the chore out of self-care
Somedays I just want someone to think for me. To take care of me and encourage me. Can you relate? It’s so easy to get too busy and distracted and then before I know it that “me” time, the long bath, spa day, hour workout, yoga class, It’s so easy to get too busy and…